Doxo has been discontinued and the new portal links directly to your account.
*There are fees for these services charged by the vendor.
Free, bank direct debit is available. Click here for more information
Q: When is brush pick-up?
A: Brush pick-up is the 1st and 3rd full week of each month from May to October. Please click here for more information.
Q: When is leaf pick-up?
A: Leaf pick-up is dependent on when the leaves fall. Please check our Facebook page in Autumn or call the Highway Department at (315) 597- 5532.
Q: Can a Police Officer sign off on a correction slip (ticket) I received to get my tail light fixed?
A: Yes. Please call the numbers here for assistance.
Q: Why am I paying $325 per EDU on my taxes for WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Project) and where is that money going?
A: A few years ago it be became apparent that our sewer plant, built in the 1960's, was is need of repair to continue
to be functional. In addition to it's age, it was getting more and more difficult to find the discontinued parts when equipment became broken. At that time, options to fix it were researched. The cost of "band aiding" the sewer plant to get it another five years would be roughly 5 million dollars and an additional 15 million after the five years had passed. Instead of putting millions of dollars into an already old building, the Village partnered with WCWSA (Wayne County Water and Sewer) and other areas. This way the cost was shared and they could apply for funding and grants. You can see the remainder of this process and keep up-to-date with this website. https://www.wcwsaregionalwwtp.org/
The funds that are collected are earmarked for the WWTP project. Each September, we receive an invoice from WCWSA to pay towards the project. The remaining funds are kept for future payments. The $325 will be
increasing due to increased costs due to COVID and we will be using the funds left to try and keep the payment at $325 for as long as possible.
Q: Where can I get a copy of my property taxes?
A: Click here to go to the Wayne County Treasurer's page. You can access County, School, Town and Village property taxes. Be sure to turn off your pop-up blocker so you can view the report.
Q: Can I pay with a credit card?
A: For water and sewer you can! We have partnered with Doxo to offer this service. If you link your bank account there is no charge. Click here to pay.
Q: What happens if I don't pay my water and sewer bill by April 28?
A: The balance would be added to your tax bill.
Please feel free to send us any of your questions so we can add to our FAQs.